THE Fight

My fight to lose weight

Friday, June 03, 2005

June 3, 2005

So I'm back to where I was 3 weeks ago. Last week i went to weigh in on my own even though I didn't come to work and I lost around 4 lbs. This week I lost 3lbs. So I'm .8lbs away from 15lbs. Very discouraging but at least I'm still working at it. It definetley helps having the people I work with doing the same thing. They are a great support to me. I think we only have 4 weeks left of WW till our 12 weeks are up and we have to decide whether we're going to renew or not. I'm going to continue it. I realize I have my ups and downs but at least I'm still working at it. I would really like to lose another 15 lobs in the next 4 weeks as that would mean I reached my 10% goal. I know thats very agressive but I've got a LOT to lose so it's doable. That's it..that's my goal. 30 lbs total by the end of the 12 week session (which will actually be 13 weeks since our leader is missing a week) Wish me luck!


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