Amazingly - March 29, 2005
Amazingly although I didn't watch what I ate, I didn't balloon up. so I think I read my final book on "eating" I'm gonna be the diet guru before you know it after all this reading. anyways, I read Dr. Phil's book and I think along with what I learned from Oprah's trainer Bob Greene I'm on the right track. I'm not promising myself to 6 days of working out or cutting out all carbs. I'm going to work out more than I was before (which isn't hard) and I'm going to eat less bad stuff and a more balanced diet. How does that sound? So I cleaned out my house of bad food and stocked it with fresh organic produce and I woke up yesterday morning to work out. I'm believing in myself this time around. I've been going through some tough stuff and all I want to do is get healthy. Not skinny, no hot, not any of those things..just healthy and happy. That's not to much to ask for is it :)
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